With changing gender norms and roles, being a women is to be constantly evolving, growing and smashing that so called glass ceiling. Women have moved beyond the stereotypes history has confined us too and can now be seen shaping the future of our planet. From Marie Curie and Florence Nightingale to Diana, Princess of Wales, Malala Yousafzai and our modern Queen, Beyonce; women truely have the power to use their voices to change the world. No matter who you are always remember, you matter and your voice matters.
We at Showtime are proud to be a female driven team, and below each of our girl squad has revealed what being a women means to them.

Being a woman to me means being whoever you want to be and letting others do the same. It’s not just about childbirth, wearing dresses and playing house as history made us to believe. Being a woman in this era is about being strong, courageous, powerful and empowering to others. Sticking up for what we believe in and not being discouraged, believing we can do anything we put our minds to. We play many roles as mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunties, daughters, cousins, best friends and friends which makes us compassionate and vulnerable towards those we love in our lives without feeling weak for doing so. All women are worthy of respect, fulfilment and love no matter our age, shape, size or colour. We all deserve equal rights, the right to speak our minds and to be loved.

I have always had an obsession with women of the the past, with a particular focus of Queens of England from Jane Seymour (my favourite of Henry VII's wives) and Victoria to our current queen Elizabeth. I have always found how their lives entwined around such pivotal times in history and how they met or challenged their roles within society so fascinating. They were faced with such different challenges than what we face today, however their triumph and poise is something that I always try to remember. Recently I have been studying a quote in one of my university classes which states that "well-behaved women seldom make history". It's something that has really stuck with me and to be honest I find a little offensive, however it is what I hope is now more a reflection of the past, and what it took for a women to be noticed in a more male dominated world. Women are on the rise, and I know for myself I am surrounded by some incredible women, from my family and the people who have been in my life for as long as I can remember to the girls here at Showtime. They have shown me that being a women in todays society means being strong and resilient, being true to yourself and always remembering to be kind, because you never know what is hiding under the surface and you never know how your words might effect someone. Being a women means uplifting those around you and always remember who you are, because you can change the game.

From someone who comes from a family with few female figures, I am forever inspired in finding out what it truly means to be a woman. I am proud of the women I am lucky enough to have in my life including my mum, step mum, nans and aunties and I genuinely believe that you are who you are surrounded by. I am grateful for these ladies for teaching me to be strong, speak up and not rely on anyone but myself and strongly believe that this is what has shaped me to be the positive and confident female I am today. I continue to feel motivated each and every day in improving myself to become the influential and powerful woman I aspire to be.

From a young age, girls are often driven to question what being a woman means to them but sometimes it is hard to answer that question as at only 17 I haven’t experienced too much in life. However, in my opinion being a woman means to be powerful, powerful for yourself but also powerful for others. Not only is it important to believe in your own power but passing on the power to encourage others to feel the same. A big part of being a woman is about respecting and empowering other women around us to build up the true beauty within that shines through in today’s society. The mind set of being a woman can be so powerful and it is important to support the societal norms of what being a woman means in this era. A woman shouldn’t let someone define what they should be, write your own story, follow your own path because being a woman is something so powerful that should never be disregarded.

The women I surround myself with have made me the person I am today, not only have they taught me to be courageous and strong but they have taught me to be caring and compassionate. These people are the women in my life that for centuries have supported each other. To be a women is helping those around me, standing up for what I believe in and going on to create change. A quote I’m most fond of is “Being a woman means being compassionate and vulnerable towards those we love in our lives without feeling weak for doing so. It means striving for our goals even in the face of the adversity we may encounter along the way.” This quote is the very epitome of what being a women is, and to me is what I believe being a woman is.
<3 Team Showtime